Where is the light coming from? The light is coming from almost in front of the girl, just slightly to the left.
How can you duplicate that light? Position her in front of a window, but make her face to the right slightly.
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate? The paleness of her skin, the redness of her lips + rose + blood.
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting? Nothing aside the rose.
Who would be a good model? I think Bella because she has light eyes and a rounder face.
List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc? I would need bella to straighten her hair, position the rose on the left side of her head, make sure that the blood tears drip correctly.
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
The expression of the girl.
The positioning.
The gray tones + red popping out.
Where is the light coming from? In front of the girls face.
How can you duplicate that light? Set up a lamp in front of the model.
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate? A warm background.
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
The girl is facing another direction
The hat is slightly tilted.
What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
A straw hat, pearl necklace, a white blouse with a red shawl.
Who would be a good model?
List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
I would need her to hold her hand against the right side of her face and look slouched along with looking thoughtful.
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
The clothing
The lighting
The background
Where is the light coming from? in front of the girl's face
How can you duplicate that light?
set a lamp to the left of her
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
the way she's facing a different direction of her body, her hand holding her chest and the other resting on her leg
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image? The girl sitting directly in front of the artist yet having her face different directions.
What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting? A longsleeve black turtle neck, a long beaded necklace
Who would be a good model?
List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
The direction she's facing, the way her hands are positioned, the necklace being long enough, bracelet
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?The black turtleneck, a necklace long enough, a dark/simple background